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Oman Climate Dialogues


About Oman Climate Dialogues


The Environment Society of Oman (ESO) and Asyad Group have joined forces to launch a lecture series that sheds light on the challenges that lie ahead for Oman in its fight to tackle climate change, in line with their commitment to promote climate cooperation across local communities.

Drawing on the expertise of ESO and various local and international stakeholders, the series of lectures and workshops aim to highlight the urgency of adapting to environmental challenges and taking transformative action at an individual, organizational and national level to achieve our collective climate change goals. 

Objective: To raise awareness on climate change, its current and future impact on the region, and Oman’s position on the issue. 

Approach: The series will consist of:

• 4 in-person panel discussions addressing key issues related to climate change, accessible to the general public.

• Additionally, 3 climate clinics or workshops are being conducted, focusing on technical issues. One workshop has already been delivered, with the final 2 scheduled for 2024.


 Register below to be part of our series!


Workshop 3Exploring Sustainable Finance & Investment
27 August 202409:00 – 13:00


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