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During these global challenges, ASYAD Group has continued its business activities- enabling trade and serving the logistics industry in the Sultanate. The Group has launched key initiatives for national economic mobilization, business continuity, and health and safety of our employees and citizens to mitigate the effects of the global pandemic, COVID-19.

This page will be updated as we continue to roll out new initiatives and activities. Please fill in the form below to give us your recommendations and feedback.



Supporting Food Security and Local Importers in the Sultanate

We have mobilised direct lines to Oman from more than 86 ports in 40 countries, running more than 200 weekly trips. This is to bolster food security in the Sultanate, support the facilitation of seamless trade, and to minimise the operational costs of our importers and traders as they bring in essential goods.

Adopting international best practices

ASYAD has adopted international best practices, in accordance with both WHO and IMO guidelines,  to combat or and stop the spread of COVID 19. This has reflected in notable acheivements, including the visit to the Port of Salalah by MSC Isabella, one of the largest container vessels in the World and the exponential growth of containerized shipments at the Port of Duqm. 

Adopting paperless transactions

In collaboration with our Government partners, and with the goal to remove and isolate the cross-contamination of materials such as paper, we have accelerated the digitization of all E-delivery and E-Cargo release Orders among other documents. This has lead to 60% of all shipments at the Port of Salalah being paperless with other ports quickly catching up.

Facilitating Transportation for Testing and Quarantine Areas

Sinyar Oman has been an instrumental part of the mobility testing centers launched by the Ministry of Health (MOH) to rapidly test vast geographies in Oman. The company has provided buses to serve as mobility testing centers and complimentary buses to transport patients to these centers, safely testing thousands of people for COVID-19 across Oman. Mwasalat has also transported 4,000 people to and from institutional isolation facilities in the Sultanate, across various governorates.

In line with the re-activation of the bus service on October 4, 2020, after being on hold for more than 6 months since March 19, 2020, the company worked to follow the necessary procedures to ensure the safety of all customers, through sterilization and continuous cleaning of all bus seats and facilities at the beginning and end of each trip and providing hand sanitizers at all buses.


Work Safety

We have achieved 10 million safe man-hours from January to September 2020; a significant milestone reflects the Group-wide implementation of occupational health and safety (OS&H) values. Although 80% of ASYAD Group activities is field work, the Group managed to maintain high OS&H standards and zero fatality rate- ensuring the safety of its employees, business continuity and unaffected operational performance across its Operating Companies. This feat has been facilitated by ASYAD’s employee’s abidance by the OH&S policy and procedures extending throughout the Group, despite COVID 19 disturbances.

Ensuring the Highest Level of Safety for our Front Line Workers

From our ports to our local buses and ferries, we ensure that all of our front line workers are supplied with sufficient personal protection equipment (PPEs). All of our facilities including ports, free zones, public transportation infrastructure, and shipping lines are abiding by the highest hygiene standards, including the liberal usage of disinfectants and sanitisers. 

Securing Long-Term Business Continuity

In respect to the central role that ports and our logistics network has in maintaining food security for the nation, and our key role in the facilitation of trade, we have launched the latest technologies including remote working tools, advanced cloud and networking infrastructure, and other advanced technologies. This has ensured that 85% of of all of our staff are working remotely, and we have bolstered our cloud infrastructures and other network redundancies to secure long term business continuity. 

ASYAD Safety Key Performance Indicators

ASYAD Group’s safety Key Performance Indicator, set at 0.4 per million injury-free man hours, testifies to the Group’s keenness to adopt international best practices. Moreover, ASYAD Group has successfully addressed 1875 near miss reports; not only thanks to its hazard resolution capabilities and stringent preventive measures in place, but also due to the site personnel’s increasing awareness and periodic assessment of OH&S compliance.


Do you have additional ideas for any additional initiatives that we need to adopt, or do you have feedback on our performance during these challenges? We look forward to receiving your feedback.